June is Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month (GRTHM) and here are some of the events that we’ve been told about. If you know of others , please let us know at editor@rtfhs.org.uk.
York Castle Museum, Eye of York, York YO1 9RY. Purchase of museum entry tickets required. More information here.
Thursday 8 June 2023, 5:30pm until 8:00pm
Roots and Routes – Celebrating the Robert Dawson Romany Collection
Museum of Rural Life, Redlands Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 5EX. Free but pre-booking is required. More information here.
RTFHS is attending with the bookstall.
Sunday 11 June 2023, 10:00am until 4:00pm
Romany Day
Rural Life Living Museum, Reeds Road, Tilford, Farnham, Surrey GU10 2DL. Purchase of museum entry tickets required. More information here.
RTFHS is attending with the bookstall.
Saturday 24 June 2023, 12:00 until 4:00pm
Romany Day
Borough Gardens, Cornwall Rd, Dorchester DT1 1RG. Organised by Kushti Bok: check at their Facebook page.
Sunday 25 June 2023
GRTHM event
Cuffley Youth and Community Centre, 70 Station Road, Cuffley EN6 4EY. Hertfordshire County Council Public Health and GATE Herts are hosting this event that will include, live music and arts & crafts. Free. More information from hub@gateherts.org.uk