Every Autumn many Romany Gypsies used to head to the hop-gardens of Kent, Sussex, Hampshire and Herefordshire to help harvest the hops. If you’d like to know what they experienced, look no further than Travellers Remember Hopping Time, a RTFHS publication that has been out-of-print for 10 years but is now available again.
The book contains people’s memories and photos of when they or their older family members went hop-picking in the past plus articles about the history of the craft. All these were originally contributed by RTFHS members for a special hopping exhibition held in 2001 at the RTFHS Society Day in Hatfield, Hertfordshire. They were edited by RTFHS Vice-President Janet Keet-Black and the late Mary Horner.
To find out more about the book and how to order – and see the many surnames mentioned – please check here.