Do you have family connections with Eastwood, Essex? Then head to Eastwood this Sunday – 7 September 2014 – and meet people whose ancestors belonged to the Romany and Traveller community there in the late 19th century and the early years of the 20th.
The event is on from 12.00pm at St Laurence & All Saints Church Hall, Eastwood. There’s a £1 entrance charge.
Organiser Amanda Webb says that those who have attended similar events in past years have interests in the Bibby, Buckley, Boswell, Stone, Livermore, Lamb, Gumball, Webb, Devonshire, Draper, Spearman, Harris, Shaw, Scarrot and Loveridge families.
There will be displays, photos and the chance to meet ‘cousins’ and share family information. So please take along your own family trees and albums.