Family Histories

The Family of Henry Dennard and Hannah Baker from 1798:
Horse Dealer and Travelling Man From Mersham, Kent, England

By Lesley Valentine

155 x 234mm paperback, 72 pages. Privately published by the author, 2023.

Dennard is one of the rarer surnames to be found in Britain’s Romany Gypsy community. This book is therefore likely to be the first ever to document the history of this family and the associated families who travelled and intermarried with them. Very much “south country” Travellers, the Dennards’ journeys took them from Kent to Sussex via Surrey and South London. It covers generations from the 18th to the mid-20th century.

Surnames included in the book: Adams, Baker, Beadle, Bedo, Benson, Bilsby, Blewitt, Booth, Boxall, Brazil, Brinkley, Brown, Callaghan, Capern, Coates, Collins, Cooper, Crisp(e), Davis, Dennard, Dixie, Duck, Dunn, Eastwood, Eggleton, Emmerson, Fillingham, Finch, Franklin, Gess/Guess/Guest, Gray, Hale, Hall, Harding, Hodgkin, Hope, Ingram, Johnson, Kettle, King, Kirwan, Latter, Lee, Light, Loveridge, Marchant, McCulley, Miles, Miller, Mott, Parker, Penfold, Potten, Powell, Prior, Pull, Read/Reed, Reading, Rye, Saban, Sales, Samson, Scapelle, Scarrott, Skeets, Smith, Spearing, Stanley, Stoneman, Streeter, Stutter, Styles, Thomas, Thoroughgood, Townsend, Vallins, Welling, Wenman, Williams, Willis, Whitehead, Young.

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Price: £10.00 + UK postage rate C
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A Search For The Scotts & Circus

By Anne Stevens

A5 hardback book, 144 pages, black-and-white and colour photographs. Privately published by the author.

As a child RTFHS member Anne Stevens was intrigued by the stories her grandmother told her: memories of horse-drawn vans, jugglers, clowns and equestrians overwintering in the village of Walberswick on the Suffolk coast of England. These were her Scott family. And as an adult, Anne has researched these ancestors and the other circus and fairground families they associated with and married into, to create this fine biography. The chronology takes the family through from the late 18th century into the 20th. The book includes: • Family trees • Comprehensive notes on sources • Background reading list.

Surnames mentioned in the book: Astley, Bailey, Baker, Beckett, Biddall, Blondin, Burnside, Cashem, Chapman, Davies, Day, Etherdo, Foad, Freeman, Freeman-Biddall, Gaskin, Gibbs, Glossop, Godfrey, Hanneford, Harris, Hitchcock, Hummerston, Johnson, Lowe, Madame Bartelle, Manders, Montgomery, Moxon, Offord, O’Hagan, Peterson, Read, Rose, Sanger, Scott, Simpson, Sixsmith, Testo, Tudor, Wallis, Wallser, Watson, Weaver, Wombwell, Wrigley, Yelding.

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Price: £20.00 + UK postage rate F
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Very low stock!
Memories of the Marsh: A Traveller Life in Kent

By the late Betsy Stanley • Edited by Janet Keet-Black

A5 paperback book, 60 pages, black-and-white family photographs

Memories of the Marsh: A Traveller Life in Kent
was first published by the RTFHS in 1998. The book has been out-of-print for several years but now, due to popular demand, we are pleased to make it available again.

This is the author’s autobiography, describing her life growing up in the close-knit Belvedere Marsh Gypsy community in North Kent from the late 1930s to the 1950s and remembering earlier generations of her own family as well as her neighbours. 

The book includes a sketch map of the streets on the Marsh plus a list of the names of the families who lived there, van by van, plot by plot. This list was recalled by the author after the book originally appeared. It’s been added to this edition to create a more complete picture.

Surnames mentioned in the book: Alford, Amer, Anderson, Atkins, Baker, Barnard, Beaney, Beckworth, Blackwell, Boswell, Brinkley, Brown, Buckland, Burkley, Chapman, Coates, Collins, Cooper, Corbett, Dighton, Driscoll, Eaves, Ellis, French, Gardner, Giles, Golding, Grey, Gumble, Hanson, Hilden, Hitchcock, Hughes, Jackson, Jefferies, Jinks, Johnson, Jones, Laing, Lane, Lazone, Lee, Lockie, Loveridge, Mantel, McCreery, McQuiry, Miles, Nicholls, Page, Powell, Ramp, Reader, Redworth, Roberts, Runnerfold, Saunders, Scott, Shalder, Shepherd, Skinner, Sope, Smith, Stewart, Taylor, Turner, Upton, White and Wingrave.

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Price: £7.50 + UK postage rate C
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Index of Buckland and Buckley Names Extracted from the Journals of the Gypsy Lore Society, 1888-1973

Researched and compiled by the late Leonard Ing

A4 PDF document for digital download, 48 pages

This book was originally published by the RTFHS as an A5 printed book in 1998 and has now been made available again as a PDF digital download.

The Index contains 300+ references to Buckland and Buckley Travellers gleaned from the pages of the Journals of the Gypsy Lore Society for the period 1888-1973. The Journals themselves can be viewed free in digitised form on the Hathi Trust website so this book is a quick way to locate items of interest and read the articles in full.

Surnames mentioned in the Index in addition to Buckland and Buckley: Ayres, Barendon/Barenton, Barton, Beldham, Bibby, Biddle, Boswell, Bunce, Bunyan, Burton, Butcher, Byle, Chambers, Chilcott, Colacut, Cooper, Doe, Draper, Egerton, Fender, Fenner, Fletcher, Gray, Green, Hazard, Hearn, Herne, Heron, Hicks, Houthiet, Lambourne, Lane, Lee, Lock(e), Lovell, Loveridge, Oadley, Outhwaite, Palmer, Pearce, Petulengro, Pinfold, Price, Rhodes, Roberts, Sandford, Scamp, Shaw, Shevlin, Skipper, Smith, Stanley, Stephens, Taylor, Wheeler, White, Williams, Wood and Young.

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Price: £6.00
Go to the RTFHS bookstall at Parish Chest to order online, pay by card and download the PDF file. The file size is 9MB.

Fairground Destiny: the Story of  the Rowland family

By Frances Brown

A4 paperback, 240 pages, 13 family trees and over 80 black-and-white family photos, fairground history photos and illustrations

Fairground Destiny is the first ever comprehensive account of the history of the Rowlands, today one of the leading names on the British fairground. In this Frances Brown turns her attention to the ancestors of her grandmother Amy Matthews nee Rowland and traces their lives as they evolve from 18th century hawkers, dealers and basket-makers to become 21st century riding-masters.

Frances Brown is the acclaimed author of two earlier books about her Traveller forebears: Fairfield Folk – A History of the British Fairground and its People and Fairground Strollers and Showfolk.

Surnames included in the book with two or more references: Anderton, Armsworth, Ayres, Barron, Beeney, Birchall/Burchall, Bowers, Brazil, Brewer, Brooks, Burrell, Bushnell, Carey, Castle, Chapman, Cobbett, Collins, Cribb, Crow, Davis, Deakins, Dean, DeVey, Frampton, Gilham, Hall, Hancock, Harris, Haslam, Head, Hibbs, Hilden, Hill, Jenkins, Jones, Kefford, Lakin, Lawrence, Lee, Leland, Lock, Matthews, Moss, Newland, Odam Oldridge, Pannell, Parker, Penfold, Ripley, Rolands, Rowland, Sanger, Shufflebottom, Smart, Smith, Tasker, Thomas, Tidman, Whitelegg, Whittle and Wilkins.

“The Rowlands’ story is told with imagination – and remarkable detail – by Frances Brown, and anyone familiar with her previous books will need little in the way of recommendation to obtain a copy of this one”.
The Fairground Association of Great Britain

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Price: £25.00 + UK postage rate F
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The Early Romany Boswells: A Family History 1650-1810
Part 1 – The Early Boswells and Famous Boswells

By Richard Edmunds

A4 paperback, 138 pages, numerous black and white illustrations

This is a genealogical study of one of the most celebrated, prominent and ancient families in Britain’s Romany community, the Boswells. It examines their famous and infamous early figures, their family ties and their family legends, from their likely origins during the English Civil War to the dawn of the Regency period.

Also included in the book is an extended introduction to the genesis and development of the wider Romany community from Tudor times.

There is a companion volume – Part 2 below – which is a large database of Boswell references gleaned from historic documents. But both books can be read and enjoyed independently.

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Price: £20.00 + UK postage rate E
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The Early Romany Boswells: A Family History 1650-1810
Part 2 – Boswells in Parish Records & The Blewitts, Scamps and Lovells

By Richard Edmunds

A4 paperback, 178 pages, with black and white illustrations and maps

This is the companion volume to The Early Romany Boswells: A Family History 1650-1810: Part 1 – The Early Boswells and Famous Boswells, shown above.

Part 2 is an extensive database of references from parish registers, newspapers, Poor Law Papers and other sources, both for the Boswell family and for the other Romany families most closely linked to them: the Blewitts, Scamps and Lovells. The Blewitts are an influential Romany family that to date has been largely overlooked by the Gypsy family history and social history experts of the past. Richard’s pioneering research brings them deservedly into the spotlight for what we believe is the first time in any written work.

The book is an essential reference work not only for those who have Romany Boswell ancestors and who want to discover baptisms, marriages, burials and other sightings for them. It’s also of value to anyone whose people intermarried with or travelled with the large and geographically wide-spread Boswell family.

Both books – Part 1 and Part 2 – can be read and enjoyed independently.

Surnames included in the book: Allen, Armstrong, Ayres/Eyres, Bannister, Barnes, Bailey, Bates, Beard, Beldham/Beldom, Berry, Blewitt/Blewett/Bluitt/Bluett, Bocking, Boiling/Boyling, Cooper, Costello, Curtis, Davis/Davies, Deago, Dicks/Dix, Dodo, Doe, Donea, Draper, Evans, Farnando, Faw/Faa, Fawtree, Finch, Fingo, Foster, Fowler, Gray/Grey, Gregory, Green, Hall, Harrison, Hearn[e]/Hern[e]/Ern/Heron/Herrin[g]/Herren, Henley, Hercoat, Hilton, Holt, Hughes, Husbands, Ingram, James, Jones, King, Knight, Lee/Leigh, Linyan/Linian, Lock/Locke/Locks, Lovell, Loveridge, Mason, Morrell, Nelson, Newcomb, Newberry/Newbury/Rewbrey, Parker, Pearse, Phillips, Price, Revill/Revell, Scamp/Skamp/Skemp/Kemp, Shandley, Sherriff, Smith, Stanley, Stevens/Stephens, Swales, Taylor, Volantine/Volantyne, Wainright, Watts, Waylan, White, Wilkinson, Williams, Wilshaw, Wood/Woods, Woodall, Young

Like to see what’s inside?

Here’s are links to two sample pages from the book: page 6 and page 117.

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Price: £20.00 + UK postage rate E
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Rate C = £2.90
Rate D = £3.50
Rate E = £3.60
Rate F = £4.50

The RTFHS Famous Families Series

The Gypsy Lore Society (GLS) was formed in 1888 to record and preserve the lore and history of the Gypsies, who, it was feared, were disappearing from the commons. Some GLS members collected genealogical and biographical material and recorded much of it in the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society (JGLS). Unpublished material can also be found in the Gypsy Collections held in the Special Collections at the University of Liverpool.

In more recent times, with the help of the huge body of historical documents now accessible in Record Offices, libraries and online, members of the Romany and Traveller Family History Society have added to and, in some cases, corrected this earlier material to create the family trees contained in the following, fast-growing Famous Families Series. These publications do not claim to be definitive for any single surname but they are a vital resource and starting point for anyone researching travelling families.

Like to see what’s inside?

Here’s a Sample family tree page.

TEN MAJOR GYPSY FAMILIES OF WALES & THE ENGLISH WEST & NORTH traced from the Eighteenth Century to the Twentieth

By Eric Trudgill

A4 paperback, 152 pages

Family trees included in the book: Daniel Evans & Lydia Jones; Abel, Cinamenty & Patience Ryalls; Francis & Fanny Heaps; Robert Holland & Ann Bradbury; George Florence & Ann Bailey; John Scarrott & Ann Hall; Thomas Sherriff & Mary Butler; Edmund Charlotte & Elizabeth Justice; John & Faney Warton; and Richard, Devit & Margaret Heron

As the title of this book suggests, it brings together the family trees of 10 families, grouped by the region of Britain in which they originated, lived and travelled and – no doubt in some cases – associated with each other and intermarried. The result is a book that is very different in format to the previous 17 single-surname volumes in the RTFHS’s popular Famous Families series but one that continues to offer family historians the pioneering and in-depth research that Eric Trudgill is well-known for. As far as we are aware, some of these families have never been studied in detail, documented or appeared in print before.

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Price: £20.00 + UK postage rate E
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The Family Tree of Viney Boswell: from about 1750 to 1910, from primarily the English Midlands to the North East and North West

By Eric Trudgill

A4, 32 pages

Surnames included in the tree: Arnfield, Bailey, Beswick, Birtles, Blewitt, Boiling, Booth, Boss, Boswell, Bradburn, Brennan, Brewit, Brown, Butler, Byres, Charlotte, Clayton, Cooper, Evans, Froggatt, Gaunt, Gerrard, Gray, Guigon, Haddock, Heaps, Heron, Jones, Joyce, Lee, Lock, Lomas, Lovell, Morgan, Partridge, Plant, Press, Sayers, Sherriff, Slack, Smith, Steward, Sutcliffe, Taylor, Thompson, Weldon, Wilshaw, Winter, Wood, Wrench

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Price: £8.00 + UK postage rate C
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The Family Tree of Barrington Buckland: from about 1750 to about 1910, primarily in the Mid-Western Counties of England

By Eric Trudgill

A4, 28 pages

Surnames included in the tree: Barton, Bath, Bishop, Black, Boswell, Buckland, Coleman, Cook, Cooper, Curtis, Dalloway, Dix, Dixey, Doe, Draper, Dufferty, Duggett, Eastwood, Fenner, Fletcher, Forest, Gane, Gibbs, Goode, Green, Hazard, Hearn, Heron, Hibberd, Hicks, Hobbs, Hopwood, Howell, Hughes, Hutchings, James, Jones, King, Lee, Lock, Lovell, Loveridge, Lovering, Millman, Mitchell, Moby, Moorhen, Noakes, Palfrey, Parslow, Pateman, Phelps, Rayner, Roberts, Rose, Saunders, Shaw, Sheen, Simmons, Simpson, Smith, Spurrett, Sully, Thompson, Warden, White, Williams

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Price: £9.00 + UK postage rate C
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The Family Tree of Henry & Dove Burton: from c.1760 to the early 1900s from primarily Dorset, Hampshire, Somerset and Wiltshire

By Norman Burton

A4, 96 pages with black-and-white photographs

Surnames included in the tree: Attewell, Ayres, Balch, Barber, Bartlett, Belcher, Bendall, Bland, Bolson, Boswell, Brewer, Britten, Broadway, Buckland, Burr, Burton, Cave, Clarke, Cock, Colan, Coleman, Colen, Cooper, Corp, Davis, Dicks, Dixon, Drake, Edwards, Evans, Foot, Ford, Forward, Francis, Fury, Fussell, Guy, Hall, Harrison, Hearne, Heron, Hicks, Hill, Hodges, Hughes, Isaacs, Jeffs, Kidley, Lane, Lee, Lock, Lockett, Lovell, March, Organ, Paisley, Parsley, Parsons, Payne, Price, Pryce, Ryall, Scamp, Shevlin,Small, Smith, Smithers, Stanley, Stephens, Sweetapple, Taylor, Tucker, Walker, Warren, Webb, Wharton, Widcombe, Williams, Wilmott, Woodley

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Price: £16.00 + UK postage rate D

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The Family Tree of Joseph and Letitia Butler: from about 1750 to about 1915 covering mainly the English Midlands and West Country

By Eric Trudgill

A4, 20 pages

Surnames included in the tree:  Baker, Berry, Biddle, Boswell, Brumwell, Clarke, Clayton, Colburn, Coleman, Cook, Davis, Dixon, Fletcher, Gardner, Gladwin, Haines, Harris, Haywood, Hodgkins, Holland, Johns, Jones, Kear, Lovell, Loveridge, Moore, Neal, Nicholls, Peters, Phillips, Pound, Rafferty, Sherriff, Skuse, Smith, Webb, Williams, Wood

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Price: £9.00 + UK postage rate C
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The Family Trees of Francis & Mary Clayton and John & Mary Booth: from about 1750 to about 1900, from the South Midlands of England to the North East and North West

By Eric Trudgill

A4, 28 pages

Surnames included in the tree: Badger, Bannister, Bell, Biddle, Boiling, Boon, Booth, Boswell, Bower, Bradbury, Brown, Butler, Chapman, Charlotte, Clarke, Clayton, Colson, Cotterill, Curtis, Elliott, Fletcher, Garrett, Gray, Harwood, Heaps, Hearn, Hodgkin, Holland, Hull, Lovell, Loveridge, Marsh, Neal, Plumb, Sherriff, Smith, Stevens, Turberville, Twigg, Wilmott, Wilsher, Winter, Wright

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Price: £9.00 + UK postage rate C
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The Family Tree of Francis Doe: from the 1720s to the early 20th century, from the Southern Counties of England

By Stephen Doe

A4, 72 pages with black-and-white photographs

Surnames included in the tree: Alexander, Appleton, Ayres,
 Baker, Barnes/Barney, Black, Boswell, Boughton/Bowton, Bowers, Bradaway, Buckell,
 Cheyney, Churcher,
Cook/Cooke, Cullimore, Cummins,
 England, Etheridge, Etherton, Fentiman, Frankham, Greenman, Gregory, Grett, 
 Heath, Hedges,
 Loveridge, Matthews, Mersham,
 Mitchell, Mitchener, Munday,
 Pike, Quinnell,
 Rawlings, Rickman,
 Roberts, Robertson,
 Shane, Sherwood/Sherrid, Sines/Symes, Smith, Springer,
Stanley, Stevens/Stevenson, Stockwell,
 Thompson, Townsend,
 Wheeler, Whettingstreet, Williams,

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Price: £16.00 + UK postage rate D
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The Descendants of John and Jemima Elliott and Related Families: from about 1750 to about 1900, mainly in the East Midland counties of England

By the late Vivienne M. Halton

A4, spiral bound, 78 pages

Surnames included in the tree: Addison, Bailey, Baker, Barrett, Bates, Bellamy, Birch, Booth, Bosnell, Boswell, Bowen, Boyling, Bray, Brown, Burton, Cawkwell, Charlotte, Clark(e) Clayton, Cunningham, Curtis, Drury, Elliott, Farrah, Glave, Glentworth, Grant, Gray, Hall, Harwood, Heron, Holland, Hunt, Johnson, Johnstone, Jones, Kidd, Lacey, Lambert, Lee, McGregor, Matthews, Mills, Morrison, Nelson, Newberry, Newton, Nuttell, Pearse, Plumb, Price, Rimmington, Royston, Smart, Smith, Tansey, Thorpe, Watson, Wild, Williams, Wilson, Wiltshire, Winter Woodward, Woods

“..arguably the most substantial single volume contribution to Gypsy genealogy ever published. Its author has clearly spent thousands of hours in Record Offices and thousands of pounds on BMD certificates, to produce dozens of richly detailed, and often highly original, family trees of her Elliott ancestors and, even more, the numberous other Gypsy families related to them. Vivienne Halton has raised the bar for people publishing studies of their own family, in a way that’s both instructive and inspirational…”
Eric Trudgill, Romany Routes, June 2010

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Price: £15.00 + UK postage rate D
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The Family Tree of Thomas and Elizabeth Gray: from about 1750 to about 1910 from primarily Cambridgeshire and Norfolk to the North East and North West

By Eric Trudgill

A4, 20 pages

Surnames included in the tree: Aveley, Barnes, Barron, Billings, Bonnett, Boss, Boswell, Brown, Buckley, Bullard, Butler, Butteridge, Byres, Cadman, Carter, Charlotte, Cheeseman, Cochrane, Coe, Durrant, Elliott, Fabin, Foster, Gammon, Gaskin, Gray, Hammond, Handley, Harris, Hartley, Harvey, Henry, Heron, Hook, Hope, Humphries, Lee, Lovell, Loveridge, Mace, Mann, Middleton, Morley, Neary, Overton, Parkin, Penfold, Pope, Printall, Reeve, Richardson, Riches, Rimmer, Russell , Rutherford, Sadler, Sandys, Scrimshaw, Sherman, Sly, Smith, Sowden, Staff, Streat, Summers, Tann, Tansey, Thorpe, Todd, Tyler, Waterfield, Williams, Wilson, Winter, Young

“The Gray Family Tree is a very informative book as I found most of my lineage from it.” Karen on Facebook

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Price: £9.00 + UK postage rate C
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Rate A = £1.20
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Rate C = £2.90
Rate D = £3.50
Rate E = £3.60
Rate F = £4.50


The Family Trees of Benjamin and Thomas Hearn: from about 1740 to about 1900 mainly counties to the north, west and south of London

By Eric Trudgill

A4, 20 pages

Surnames included in the trees: Allen, Anderson, Arnold,  Austin, Ayres, Barber, Beldam,  Boswell, Bowden, Brown, Buckland, Buckley, Chilton, Coates, Coleman, Coles, Cooper, Drake, Draper, Evans, Green, Groves, Hart, Hearn, Herbert, Jeffs, Johnson, Kent, Kilsbie, Lavender, Leatherland, Lee, Lovell, Mancey, Maple, Mills, Mitchell, North, Norwood, Orchard, Paradine, Pearman, Porter, Protheroe, Pullin, Reed, Roberts, Smith, Swan, Taylor, Wells, Williams, Witney, Wright

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Price: £9.00 + UK postage rate C
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The Family Trees of Damon and Thomas Lee: from about 1750 to about 1900 mainly the English southern counties

By Eric Trudgill

A4, 28 pages

Surnames included in the trees: Ackleton, Ayres, Baker, Barton, Bath, Boswell, Buckland, Buckley, Carey, Cheeseman, Coates, Cooper, Dighton,Doe, Donovan, Dorrington, Draper, Dunk, Eastwood, Emmett, Frankham, French, Gardiner, Green, Gregory, Harris, James, Johnson, Kelly, King, Lamb, Lee, Morris, Ostler, Ripley, Roberts, Rose, Scamp, Scott, Sion, Skerry, Smith, Strickland, Taylor, Thatcher, Thick, Wes

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Price: £9.00 + UK postage rate C
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The Family Tree of Matthew & Merrick Lock: from about 1750 to about 1915 covering mainly the Western Counties and Wales

By Eric Trudgill

A4, 32 pages

Surnames included in the tree:  Allen, Amblin, Arrowsmith, Bagington, Bale, Barter, Beard, Beech, Biddle, Bishop, Black, Boss, Boswell, Bridgeman, Buckland, Burton, Butler, Byard, Cadogan, Campbell, Clarke, Clinton, Colden, Cole, Cooper, Cordery, Cornwall, Croyden, Daly, Dance, Davies, Davis, Dever, Dixon, Doe, Draper, Dufferty, Evans, Florence, Frankham, French, Gifford, Gregory, Griffith, Groome, Gunn, Hall, Haywood, Heron, Herriman, Hicks, Higgins, Huggins, Isaacs, James, Johnson, Jones, Jowells, King, Latham, Lee, Longwarne, Lovell, Loveridge, Mallett, Mills, Morris, Moulstone,  Mullard, Mustoe, Newman, Orchard, Organ, Parton
, Payne
, Powell
, Price
, Pritchard, Rea, Richards, Rudd, Ryalls, Scarrott, Smith, Stephens, Taylor, Thomas, Walton, Wedley, Whitaker, Williams, Wilson, Wood, Wozencroft

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Price: £9.00 + UK postage rate C
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The Family Tree of Daniel and Violetta Lovell: from about 1750 to about 1910, in most parts of England and several parts of Wales

By Eric Trudgill

A4, 28 pages

This is a companion volume to the book about Major Lovell below, Major and Daniel being brothers.

Surnames included in the tree: Allmark, Astley, Baggaley, Boss, Boswell, Boyd, Brennan, Buckland, Burton, Bury, Carney, Cobb, Cochrane, Colin, Costello, Cowburn, Crosby, Croyden, Davies, Davis, Dicken, Dorsey, Eccles, Evans,  Florence, Gibbs, Hardman, Hardy, Harrison, Heron, Hodgkins, Holmes, Howel, Hutchins, Johnson, Jones, Kilby, Kirkland, Laver, Leach, Lee, Lock, Lovell, Loveridge, Mochan, Monaghan, Morley, Newton, Organ, Poole, Price, Rees, Riley,  Roberts, Scamp, Seed, Shaw, Sherriff, Small, Smith, Twigg, Warton, Welch, Wells, ,Whitney, Wilson, Wood

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Price: £9.00 + UK postage rate C
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The Family Tree of Major and Susanna Lovell: from about 1750 to about 1910, from most parts of England and some parts of Wales and Scotland

By Josephine Tombs

A4, 28 pages

This is a companion volume to the book about Daniel Lovell above, Major and Daniel being brothers.

Surnames included in the tree: Allington, Amer, Ancorn, Anstow, Baker, Beedon, Blewitt, Boss, Boswell, Bounam, Bradburn, Bramwell, Brennan, Brown, Buckland, Burns, Butler, Campbell, Chalk, Cheshire, Clayton, Codona, Connor, Conway, Cooper, Darcy, Davis, Derbyshire, Dixon, Docherty, Finney, Fletcher, Florence, Gaskin, Gray, Green, Hackney, Hall, Heron, Hind, Hobbs, Hodgkins, Holland, James, Jones, Key, Lacklem, Lane, Lee, Lines, Love, Lovell, Loveridge, Lowther, Manton, Milward, North, Odam, Owen, Pearce, Price, Richards, Robinson, Roe, Rose, Sanders, Seed, Smith, Squires, Stevens, Sturgeon,Toogood, Vale, Wilson, Winter

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Price: £9.00 + UK postage rate C
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The Family Tree of William and Margaret Loveridge: from about 1750 to about 1900 mainly Northamptonshire and nearby counties

By Pat Loveridge

A4, 20 pages

Surnames included in the tree: Bates, Beeching, Boswell, Chambers, Chapman, Clayton, Coburn, Darby, Darke, Douglas, Ellis, Grantham, Green, Halford, Haynes, Hinde, Howes, Jackson, Jones, Joyce, Kitchener, Loveridge, Mellors, Neal, Newberry, Nicholls, Osborn, Pierce, Prickett, Richards, Sanders, Sharp, Smith, Soden, Tew, Thorpe, Timms, Valentine, Westbury, White, Wootton

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The Family Tree of Samson and Celia Scamp: from about 1750 to about 1900 mainly Kent and nearby counties

By Roger Baker

A4, 16 pages

Surnames included in the tree: Addley, Baker, Barton, Birch, Boswell, Bowman, Cooper, Cork, Cox, Emmett, Epps, Finn, Foreman, Gaines, Gambrill, Ganges, Gardiner, Gillespie, Gisby, Groombridge, Hadlow, Hamilton, Hart, Helden, Jones, Keefe, Lee, Love, Matthews, McCarthy, Mears, Pickering, Pitcher, Raines, Scamp, Smith, Standerwick, Tappenden, Terry, Tupp, Valentine, Webb, Wickenden, Williams, Wilson

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Price: £7.00 + UK postage rate C
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The Family Tree of Woodfine Smith: from about 1750 to about 1900 mainly the English Midlands and North West

By Josephine Tombs

A4, 20 pages

Surnames included in the tree: Abrams, Adshead, Allen, Badger,Bennett, Birch, Bird, Black, Bolas, Booth, Boswell, Butler, Clayton, Colecot, Cotterill, Davis, Deadman, Embury, Ferrier, Finney, Fletcher, Garrett, Gorman, Gray, Hackney, Hales, Hall, Hill, Hodkin, Holland, Homer, Johnson, Jones, Key, Lawrence, Lewis, Lines, Lock, Lovell, Loveridge, McGee, Martin, Meigh, Millward, Morris, Neal, Oadley, Owen, Painter, Pearce, Pitt, Powers, Price, Pyatt, Redfern, Rickinson, Sheldon, Sherriff, Sherwood, Slater, Smith, Taylor, Turberville, Vale, Wassell, Whatton, Wilson, Worrall

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Price: £9.00 + UK postage rate C
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The Family Trees of Hercules and Peter Stanley: from about 1710 to about 1910, from primarily Hampshire and Berkshire

By Anne-Marie Ford

A4, 28 pages

Surnames included in the book: Ayres, Barber, Barney, Bellows, Blake, Boswell, Bowers, Broadway, Bullock, Bundy, Cannon, Carter, Charman, Clark, Clease, Cleft, Colen, Cooper, Davis, Day, Deacon, Drake, Evans, Fletcher, Forty, Gardner, Goble, Goddard, Gregory, Griggs, Hawkins, Haynes, Hearn, Hicks, Hilden, Hooper, Hughes, Ivall, James, Jerrim, Lee, Light, Limburn, Messenger, Miller, Mills, Moore, Newman, Noyce, Oliver, Pearce, Perren, Pidgeley, Pike, Proudley, Puttick, Rolph, Rook, Sands, Sawyer, Scamp, Short, Smith, Spencer, Strange, Tapps, Townsend, Ware, Weeks, Welch, Westwood, Whale, White, Wittle/Whittle.

This updated and expanded edition of The Family Trees of Hercules and Peter Stanley reflects finds from the many new family history sources that have become available since its first publication by the RTFHS in 2013. The author Anne-Marie Ford, a widely recognised expert on the Romany Gypsy Stanley family, has been able to add new branches and individuals to the original trees through her continued dedicated research and discoveries both in archives and in online databases, making it a must for anyone tracing the Stanleys and associated families.

Before the author began her pioneering study of the Stanleys, almost all that had been written about the family concentrated on their lives in the USA, following a 19th century exodus from Britain. In this book the author has corrected the imbalance by – quite literally – taking the Stanleys back to their origins in Southern England.

This volume focuses on the Stanleys in their home territories of Berkshire and Hampshire. Also published by the RTFHS – see below –  is a companion volume : The Family Trees of Paul & Peter, Richard & Owen Stanley. This follows the family as they move further west into the counties of Dorset, Devon and Somerset.

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Price: £10.00 + UK postage rate C
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The Family Trees of Paul & Peter, Richard & Owen Stanley: from about 1710 to about 1910 from primarily Dorset, Devon and Somerset

By Anne-Marie Ford

A4, 24 pages

Surnames included in the trees:  Ayres, Ballam, Bowring, Brewer, Bridle, Broadway, Bryer, Buckland, Bullock, Burton, Cherrett, Cooper, Cox, Create, Davis, Day, Drake, Fletcher, Greening, Hardy, Hayward, Hicks, Holloway, Ingram, James, Jeff/Jeffreys, Jerrard, Joles, Keat, King, Lee, Manley, Mills, Mitchell, Oliver, Packman, Parsons, Phillips, Pitcher, Richard/Rickard, Scamp, Scarrett, Scriven, Seller, Small, Smith, Spencer, Streck, Tapps, Tomkins, Trowbridge, Tuck, Wallis, Wellings, Wells, Wellstead, Westlake, Wharton,  White, Whittle, Wills, Williams, Young.

Before Anne-Marie Ford began her pioneering study of the Romany Gypsy Stanleys, almost all that had been written about the family concentrated on their lives in the USA, following a 19th century exodus from Britain. In this book the author has corrected the imbalance by – quite literally – taking the Stanleys back to their origins in Southern England.

This volume focuses on the lives of the Stanleys in the counties of Dorset, Devon and Somerset. Also published by the RTFHS – see above – is a companion volume: The Family Trees of Hercules and Peter Stanley. This is now available in a new updated and expanded edition (March 2019) and covers the family in their original territories of Berkshire and Hampshire.

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Other books about Gypsy families 


But for a Little More Evidence – a Family History of William Ayres, Gypsy, 1806-1872

By Tony Dixon

Published by Edward Gaskell, Devon, 2012

A biographical outline not only of a favourite 19th century ancestor, William Ayres, but also of the author’s own life as showman, hawker, craftsman, musician and Punch and Judy man. Includes references to the Goff, Hearn, Loveridge, Saving and Smith families of Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire and surrounding counties. Illustrated with family photos. A5, 120 pages, perfect bound

“In recent years we have seen a slew of publications, some of them more worthy of attention than others, which document specific Traveller families. Tony Dixon’s examination of the family of his ancestor William Ayres ranks among the best. Making the greatest possible use of the primary sources he lays out the volume in a very readable and accessible manner, passing neatly from incident to incident, laying bare lives which have mostly, until recently, been ‘hidden from history’…We are treated to a wealth of detail from the usual genealogical sources – registers, certificates, census – but he also makes good use of items from local newspapers, which are now becoming increasingly accessible on the WWW.”
Keith Chandler, Romany Routes

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But for Further Evidence: The Continuing Family History of William Ayres, Gypsy

By Tony Dixon

Published by Edward Gaskell, Devon: updated and expanded 2nd edition, 2019

A5, 156 pages with black-and-white and colour photographs

This is a much expanded and updated second edition of the book originally published by the author in 2013. Additional research conducted in the intervening years means that the book has trebled in size. It now includes not only a more complete biography of William Ayres (1806-1872) and his family but also looks back at earlier generations, individuals who lived in the early 18th century in the borderlands of Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Northamptonshire, Kent, Sussex and Middlesex. Associated families are examined in detail too with references to the surnames Smith, Hearn, Gray/Grey, Loveridge, Horton, Webb, Fletcher, Anscombe and Blackwell, among others. The book also includes a series of colour photos of the author in the process of restoring a vintage bow-top and knife-grinder’s barrow and creating hand-painted rocking horses.

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Price: £9.99 + UK postage rate D
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Yet More Evidence: Continuing the extended Smith and Ayres Family of William Ayres, Gypsy, 1806-1872

By Tony Dixon

A4, 25 pages with black-and-white family photographs

This is a free supplement to the two books already published by Tony Dixon and listed above. It brings together the new information that the author has discovered about his ancestors since 2019. This PDF document is yours to read on screen or to print out at no charge at this link: YET MORE EVIDENCE Edition4
Please allow a short time for the document to open.



The Boyce and Beckett Trail

By Geoff Boyce

A4, 34 pages with card cover and plastic spine clip

This booklet is a transcript of the talk given by Geoff Boyce at the RTFHS Society Day on 11 June 2016 at Waltham St Lawrence, Berkshire, accompanied by many illustrations from Geoff’s PowerPoint presentation. It has been self-published by Geoff so that people who weren’t able to attend the Society Day can find out more about his research into his own Boyce ancestors and their connections to Joe Beckett, the longest reigning undefeated British Empire Heavyweight Boxing Champion of all time. Joe was the paternal first cousin of Geoff’s grandfather. The chapters include: 1. Contact is broken, lost and re-established; 2. The Historical Research trail; 3. Oral Testimony; 4. The Documentary Evidence; 5. Joseph and Samuel together in 1861;  6. Boyce or Beckett in the 1850s?; 7. The 1851 census – Joseph and Samuel together; 8. Before The General Registration And Census Records; 9. The Two Surnames; 10. Frankham Or Beckett? 11. Boyce Or Beckett Or Both? 12. Too Many Becketts? 13. Etty Boyce (c. 1781-1837); 14. Joe’s Paternal Family Tree; and 15. Joe’s Family.

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This page last updated: 26 March 2025.