Today we’re delighted to add Gypsies of Britain to the wide range of specialist books available from the RTFHS. Written by RTFHS Honorary Vice President Janet Keet-Black, and published by Shire Publications, it’s an expert and highly readable introduction to the history of our Gypsy and Traveller ancestors in the British Isles from the 16th century right up to the present day. And, like all Shire Publications, it’s packed full of illustrations and old photos. We understand that some have never appeared in print before.

Also new to the RTFHS bookstall, again from Shire Publications, is Richard Filmer’s Hops and Hop Picking: an insight into the work that was a highlight of the year for so many Gypsies and Travellers in times past.

So if you’re looking for last-minute gift ideas for someone special, here’s just what you need. To find out more and order, head to Publications now.