If you’re interested in the Romany Evans, Ryalls, Heaps, Holland, Florence, Scarrott, Sherriff, Charlotte, Warton or Heron families, then the latest book from the RTFHS is just what you need to help you in your family history research.

Ten Major Gypsy Families of Wales & The English West & North by Eric Trudgill offers you the family trees of all of these families. It’s the first in a new-style series of Family Tree books from the RTFHS that brings together a number of different Romany surnames grouped together by the regions they originated in, lived in or travelled through. In this way, Eric has been able to document and share his research into some of lesser-known but important surnames in the British Romany community over the centuries, as well as some of the larger clans. And all for less than the price of two birth certificates.

Read more about the book and find out how to order here.